— Gwenne Dickson, Intuitive Empowerment Coach

“I've just finished working with Hils on a 6 month 1-1 private coaching programme where she helped me get my head around marketing, identifying my ideal client, getting some clarity and structure around my business and getting some sales and experience under my belt now. I was just getting started when I met Hils and was full of enthusiasm for following my passion, I just needed some help to hone my message, get opportunities to share it and put some plans in place. At the end of the programme, we looked at planning tools that I can now use going forward having built up some experience of how I want to work and what I offer. This was absolutely the right way round for me to do things. I always felt Hils was working with me and giving me the tools to use to help me shine and never saying how it should be done or in a certain order. She was always there to lend a hand or look over content and give feedback and is a supportive friend. We all need those when we're in business for ourselves! Reach out to her and she'll be there for you! :D”


— Sarah Cook, Founder, Come Network With Me


— Devaki Yoga, Founder of Curvy Girl Yoga